EST Newsletter


The EST Consortium publishes a biannual newsletter to keep the solar physics community informed about the status of the project. If you are interested in receiving the latest news about the European Solar Telescope in your email inbox, sign up for it here.


Current issue

June 2024

  • University of Graz joins EST Foundation
  • Director and Administrator of EST Foundation Sought
  • Pier Optical Path Design Update
  • Polarimetric Calibration and Alignment Assembly
  • EST Control System
  • Communication Activities
  • Drone Videos Released
  • EST Consortium Gallery Published

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Previous issues

December 2023

  • Deeds of EST Canarian Foundation Signed
  • SOLARNET Sun in Science and Society Meeting
  • EST TIS/FBI Design Update
  • IFS Based on Image Slicers Update
  • Prototype of ASM Based on Coil Actuators
  • EST Seeing Estimation
  • EST Pier Optical Path Design
  • Communication activities

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June 2023

  • Creation of EST Canarian Foundation
  • EST prioritised in ASTRONET Roadmap
  • UK Universities to join EST Foundation
  • Science Advisory Group activities
  • Towards the EST Preliminary Design Review
  • Heat Rejecter design status
  • EST Data Centre
  • Communication activities

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December 2022

  • EST Canarian Foundation approved
  • Way forward for EST after PRE-EST
  • SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and BSBF 2022
  • PRE-EST and ESCAPE highlights
  • Science Advisory Group update
  • EST Preliminary Design overview
  • Communication activities
  • EST video game "Solar Mission EST"

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June 2022

  • EST presentations in Madrid and Bratislava
  • PRE-EST highlights
  • Science instrument suite
  • Heat rejecter preliminary design
  • EST building and civil works
  • Update on industrial contracts
  • EST School Competition
  • The EST Solarpedia

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December 2021

  • EST included on Slovak Roadmap for RIs
  • PRE-EST and SOLARNET highlights
  • EST scientific article
  • Instrument suite and instrument consortia
  • Update on industrial contracts
  • Tests of adaptive optics for single source
  • EST thermal model review
  • EST communication activities

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June 2021

  • EST location approved at ORM
  • PRE-EST highlights
  • Industrial contracts for preliminary designs
  • High-precision absolute spectropolarimetry
  • Image restoration techniques for EST
  • Sensor technologies for EST
  • EST communication activities
  • EST school contest "The Sun at a glance"

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December 2020

  • EST monitoring towards ESFRI Roadmap 2021
  • PRE-EST and SOLARNET highlights
  • Design of the EST Pier Optical Path
  • Tunable-Band imagers for EST
  • MCAO update
  • Results of the first call for tenders
  • EST communications activities
  • EST newcomers

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June 2020

  • EST Board of directors
  • Portugal in EST
  • Science Advisory Group Review Panel
  • Light distribution and instrument suite
  • EST Systems Specification
  • MCAO update
  • Call for Tenders for three main subsystems
  • EST Communication activities

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Autumn 2019

  • Preferential EST site proposed
  • National Research Infrastructure status
  • PRE-EST project extension approved
  • The first year of SOLARNET
  • EST Science Requirement Document released
  • EST Project Office status
  • Upcoming call for tenders
  • Outreach activities

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Spring 2019

  • News on the EST Preparatory Phase
  • Portugal joins EAST
  • New projects: SOLARNET and ESCAPE
  • Update of the EST Science Requirement Document
  • EST Technical Advisory Group gets set up
  • Ongoing site characterization
  • Outreach activities

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Autumn 2017

  • New steps forward!
  • First European presentation of EST
  • EST workshop in Austria
  • Perspectives of Astrophysics in Germany
  • RoCS becomes a Centre of Excellence
  • Regional funding approved
  • ASTERICS project
  • Highlights of EAST board meeting
  • New ERC grants in Solar Physics
  • Stay tuned...

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Spring 2017

  • EST Preparatory Phase begins!
  • Status of the ongoing projects
  • SOLARNET, four years of success
  • Arctowski Medal
  • ERC grants in solar physics
  • Future legal form of EST
  • GREST co-creation experience
  • EST scale model arrives at IAC
  • Stay tuned...

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Autumn 2016

  • Welcome to the EST Newsletter
  • EST chosen as a new ESFRI
  • New corporate EST website
  • Approved: the Preparatory Phase of EST
  • European solar physics community
  • SOLARNET Researcher Mobility Programme
  • Prototype IFU now at GREGOR
  • EST newcomers
  • EST scale model
  • SOLARNET IV meeting

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ISSN: 2792-4289

Edited by Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía - CSIC

Granada (Spain)