


Work packages

The block diagram shows all workpackages and sub-workpackages, with their interdependences and leading institutions:


The following table sumarizes the information of the work packages:

WPx Description Institution
WP1 Project Coordination IAC
sWP1.1 Project Coordination & Management IAC
sWP1.2 Dissemination & Exploitation of results IAC
WP2 Large-format high-speed low-noise detectors MPG
sWP2.1 Imaging large-format camera QUB UCL-MSSL ANDOR
sWP2.2 High-precision polarimetric camera MPG
sWP2.3 Large format wavefront sensing camera INAF
WP3 Capacitance-Stabilised Fabry-Perot UNITOV SU CNR ACS
WP4 New techniques for 2D solar spectro-polarimetry IAC
sWP4.1 Multi-slit integral field unit design IAC
sWP4.2 Spectro-polarimetry using a microlens-fed spectrograph MPG
WP5 Large format liquid-crystal modulators CSIC IAC MPG INTA ARCOPTIX
WP6 Deformable mirrors and the EST-MCAO performance INAF IAC UNITOV SU
WP7 Strategic work. Industrial, financial and legal issues IAC

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