Transnational Access and Service Programme (TAS)
- Details
- Published on Tuesday, 18 December 2012 11:09
Access to the following solar telescopes and database repositories will be available for external users:
- The first-class EU infrastructures for high-resolution ground-based solar physics: GREGOR, VTT, THEMIS, SST, IBIS/DST, ROSA/DST
- The most demanded European Science Data Centre, providing data gathered by the solar satellite HINODE (SDC Europe) and the Solar Dynamics Observatory (BE-WISSDOM and GSC-SDO)
New users, young researchers and eligible researchers from countries with no similar facilities are specially encouraged to apply for access. Please, check Eligibility Criteria.
WP90: Transnational Access Programme
The aim of this WP is to offer to external users access to the most-advanced, largest and first-class infrastructures for high-resolution ground-based solar physics. Apart from the access offered by the world-class solar telescopes installed at the Canary Islands Observatories (GREGOR, VTT, THEMIS, and SST), is also offered access to IBIS/DST and ROSA/DST, key instruments for studying a variety of solar phenomena installed in a non-European facility: the US Dunn Solar Telescope (DST) of the NSO.
How to apply for access
An Announcement of Opportunity to apply for access to the solar telescopes and instruments offered by SOLARNET is published every year. A single Time Allocation Committee will be responsible to rank proposals.
Application form
Astronomers are invited to apply for access at SOLARNET ACCESS in 2016: Call for proposals.
Each telescope (GREGOR, VTT, THEMIS, SST) and instrument (IBIS/DST and ROSA/DST) have a specific forms for the proposals.
Prior to submit your application make sure you and your team meet eligibility criteria.
Deadline: January 20th, 2016.
Travel and Subsistence Grants
Apart from awarding telescope time (following the Announcement of Opportunity, and based on scientific merits and technical feasibility) and access to databases, Travel and Subsistence grants will be provided to be on-site during the observations.
Télescope Héliographique pour l’Étude du Magnétisme et des Instabilités Solaires (THEMIS) (not available in 2016)
Interferometric BIdimensional Spectrometer (IBIS) at Dunn Solar Telescope (DST)
Rapid Oscillations in the Solar Atmosphere (ROSA) at DST
WP100: Access to Science Data Centres. Space missions
Access to the most demanded European Science Data Centre, providing data gathered by the solar satellite HINODE, and the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), will be offered under this WP. The access to space-based data for solar research, offered for the first time under an I3 supported by the EC, will expand significantly the content of the Programmes for the high-resolution solar physics community supported in the past.
The Hinode Science Data Centre Europe, the Belgian Web Incessant Screening and the German Science Center for the Solar Dynamics Observatory, are the three facilities offering access and services under this WP.
Access to the database repositories is freely provided through internet connection.
- Details
- Published on Tuesday, 18 December 2012 11:01