Meetings & Workshops

SOLARNET Meetings on Solar Physics

The aim of these meetings is to put in contact different solar physics communities and researchers involved in other fields.


- Periodic meetings on topics related to solar physics and solar-stellar connections, where the participants can show the results of their research and profit from discussion time slots devoted to exchange of experience and competences

- The fostering of collaborations aimed at improving the interaction between theoreticians, experts in numerical simulations and observers

- The sharing of pipelines and software for solar data reduction and analysis

- The consolidation of high-resolution MHD simulations to analyze the performance of advanced instrumentation for high-Resolution solar observations

- Promotion of seismological studies as a way to understand solar/stellar interiors.

These meetings will be also a very appropriate environment for the dissemination of knowledge.


SOLARNET Schools and Workshops

Under the WP30.3 "Training of the new generation of scientists", these training schools and thematic workshops foresee:

- The organization of summer/winter schools for PhD students and novel post-doc researchers on topics related to the development of new instrumentation for solar observations, diagnostic tools, hot solar research topics and fields of mutual interest for solar and stellar physicists

- The organization of thematic workshops matched with the training schools (i.e., immediately after or in splinter sessions)

The schools/workshops will be devoted to the following themes:

1. Introduction to solar physics/Radiative processes in the Sun and the stars (Poland, UWR)

2. Ground and space based instruments/Methods in high resolution and synoptic solar physics (Slovakia,

3. Solar magnetic fields: modeling and measuring techniques/Polarization as a tool to study the Sun, the
Solar System, and beyond (Spain, IAA-CSIC)

4. MHD waves and oscillations in the solar atmosphere/Heating mechanisms in the solar atmosphere (United Kingdom, QUB)

5. Solar MHD and magnetic reconnection theory/Solar eruptive events: observations and modelling (United Kingdom, MSSL/UCL)


 4th SOLARNET Meeting "The physics of the Sun from the interior to the outer atmosphere" (Lanzarote, Spain)

Date: 16-20 January, 2017

Location: Lanzarote, C. Islands, Spain

Meeting webpage



Abstracts Book


3rd SOLARNET / HELAS VII / SpaceInn Conference "The Sun, the stars, and solar-stellar relations" (Freiburg, Germany)

Date: August 31 - September 4, 2015

Location: Freiburg, Germany

Meeting webpage



Abstracts Book


2nd SOLARNET Meeting "Solar and stellar magnetic activity" (Palermo, Italy)

Date: 2-5 February, 2015

Location: Palermo, Italy

Meeting webpage



All Presentations (Zip File, 351 MB)


1st SOLARNET - 3rd EAST/ATST Meeting "Synergies between ground and space based solar research" (Oslo, Norway)

Date: 5-8 August, 2013

Location: Oslo, Norway

Meeting webpage 



All Presentations (Zip File, 283 MB)

SPRING Workshops

1st SPRING Workshop (Solar Physics Research Integrated Network Group)

Date: 26-28 November, 2013

 Location: Titisee, Germany

Workshop webpage



All Presentations (Zip File, 192 MB)


  • EST Brochure

The European Solar Telescope: Understanding our active Sun


  • SOLARNET Leaflet



  • SOLARNET Outreach Plan

 Dissemination and Communication Plan


  • SOLARNET Logos

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  • Other Outreach products




   SOLARNET Brochure for SPIE 2014






   SOLARNET Transnational Access and Service Programme





  SolarLab website





  Teide Observatory Open Doors Days 2014

Additional information