
SOLARNET brings together and integrates the major European research infrastructures in the field of high-resolution solar physics, in order to promote their coordinated use and development. This network involves all pertinent European research institutions, infrastructures, and data repositories. Together, these represent first-class facilities. The additional participation by private companies and non-European research institutions maximizes the impact on the world-wide scale.

Networking activities, access to first-class infrastructures and joint research and development activities are being carried out in SOLARNET to improve, in quantity and quality, the service provided by this European community. 

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In summary, SOLARNET involves:

More than 500 solar physics researchers.

32 partners from 16 countries: 24 EU research institutions; 6 EU private companies; 2 USA research institutions.

SOLARNET Project achievements will be of paramount relevance to contribute towards the realisation of the 4m European Solar Telescope (EST).


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FP7  European Comission




This project is supported by the European Commission´s FP7 Capacities Programme for the period April 2013 – March 2017 under the Grant Agreement number 312495. 



SOLARNET Trans-national Access and Service Programme supports the access of the European solar Physics community to some of the best European telescopes: GREGOR, THEMIS, SST, VTT located at Tenerife and La Palma, and to IBIS/DST and ROSA/DST instruments, installed at US Dunn Solar Telescope.

Every facility is offering an average of 20 observing days per year to external observers.

SOLARNET is also supporting the access to the most demanded European Science Data Centre: HINODE, BE-WISSDOM, and GSC-SDO. Access to these database repositories is freely provided through internet connection.


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