SOLARNET brings together and integrates the major European research infrastructures in the field of high-resolution solar physics, in order to promote their coordinated use and development. This network involves all pertinent European research institutions, infrastructures, and data repositories. Together, these represent first-class facilities. The additional participation by private companies and non-European research institutions maximizes the impact on the world-wide scale.
Networking activities, access to first-class infrastructures and joint research and development activities are being carried out in SOLARNET to improve, in quantity and quality, the service provided by this European community.
In summary, SOLARNET involves:
More than 500 solar physics researchers.
32 partners from 16 countries: 24 EU research institutions; 6 EU private companies; 2 USA research institutions.
SOLARNET Project achievements will be of paramount relevance to contribute towards the realisation of the 4m European Solar Telescope (EST).
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Observing teams awarded with telescope time under the SOLARNET TAS Programme receive free access to the telescope as well as scientific and technical support to carry out the observations. EC funds are also available to cover travel, accommodation and subsistence costs during the observing run. A maximum of two members from the research team can be supported. We encourage group leaders to involve new users and/or young researchers as beneficiaries for, at least, one of the travel and subsistence grants available. In any case, it is the responsibility of the group leader to decide which member of the team will be supported.
In the event the proposed beneficiary for these grants was not included into the original proposal (i.e. new PhD students, etc), group leader will be requested to justify it. Please, make sure that the inclusion of new members does not turn your team into not eligible, according to EC rules.
Once the group leader has received the official confirmation of telescope time awarded, he/she is invited to ask those team members who will benefit from these travel and subsistence grants to complete the following application form.
Users are advised not to make any bookings/reservations if they want to take advantage of this funding opportunity. Following your preferences, The SOLARNET Project Office will book and directly pay for all your travel tickets and accommodation costs once your grant had been confirmed.
Under normal circumstances, only applications received two weeks before the observing run will be considered.
We kindly ask you to read first the information related to ALLOWABLE COSTS